Monthly Archives: September 2015

3 Easy Breakfasts


Banana Toast:

1 Slice of whole wheat bread

1 Banana

1-2 Tbsp. of peanut butter


Chia Seeds

First take your bread and put it in the toaster.  As your bread is toasting cut your banana into small rounds.  When the bread is finished toasting spread peanut butter on your bread and place banana rounds on top.  To finish it off dust cinnamon on top and sprinkle some chia seeds.  Yum!

Egg Wrap:

1 Whole Wheat Tortilla (I used chia seed whole wheat)

2 Egg Whites

Handful of Spinach

Diced Peppers

about 1/2 an avocado

Take your tortilla and place it in the microwave for about 30 seconds until it’s soft and warm.  Then take your avocado and spread desired amount onto your tortilla.  Once your tortilla is set up mix together diced peppers, spinach, and egg whites in a bowl.  Once mixed together put it in your pan and cook em up!  Once your eggs are done you can either add more spinach into your tortilla or simply just add the eggs.  Bam, easy breakfast wrap.

Oatmeal (my favorite):

1/3c. oats

1c. water


1Tbsp. peanut butter

1 Banana/handful of blueberries (even both!)

Mixed nuts

Place your oats and water in the microwave for about 2 minutes or until oats are cooked.  When the oats are done cooking take a spoon of peanut butter and mix it into the oats along with about a teaspoon of cinnamon.  Cut up your banana into small rounds and place around the perimeter of your bowl.  If adding blueberries mix them in with the peanut butter and cinnamon that way they get all warm as if they’re in a pie!    Sprinkle a few mixed nuts into the center of your bowl and dust a little more cinnamon on top of your oatmeal.  If desired you can also add some honey/agave to enhance the sweetness of the cinnamon and peanut butter!

Pair any of these delicious breakfasts with a nice hot cup of green tea with lemon!

3 Healthy & Easy Snacks


Apple Nachos:

1 Apple

1-2 Tbsp. nut butter of choice

Nuts (optional)

Dried Fruit (optional)

Chocolate (optional)

Take your favorite kind of apple and use an apple cutter to slice it up.  After, you have your slices continue to cut those slices in half, so that they are thinner.  When they’re all cut place line them on a plate so that they’re all flat.  Next, take 1-2 tbsp. of your favorite nut butter and warm it up for 15-30 seconds.  When the nut butter is melted drizzle on top of the apple slices so that all of them have some buttaaa.  Next, you can sprinkle some nuts on it, I crushed up some almonds.  Then you can either add some dried fruit such as, raisins or cranberries, some dark chocolate, make sure it’s 70% cocoa or higher because that means it has less added sugar!  Viola, delicious and nutritious.

Banana Boat:

1 Banana

1-2 Tbsp. Peanut Butter

Raisins (or dried fruit of choice)

Almonds (or nut of choice)

Take a banana and after its peeled slice it right down the middle so that you have 2 halves and a flat surface to spread the peanut butter.  After, slicing take your peanut butter and lather up your halves of banana with it.  When your banana halves have a layer of the peanut butter on them take your raisins and almonds and place them every other so it’s raisin, almond, raisin, almond and so on.  BOOM, banana boat.

Cinnamon Apples:

1 Apple

1 tsp. of cinnamon

drizzle of agave/honey (optional)

First, take your apple and use an apple cutter to cut up the apple.  After you have those slices continue to cut them into cubes, or thinner slices if you prefer slices.  When the apple is cut how you prefer toss it around with the cinnamon until all the cubes/slices are coated.  Place your bowl in the microwave and heat up for 30 seconds to a minute, or however soft you want your apple to be.  When it’s warmed to your liking this is when you can drizzle some agave/honey on top to enhance the cinnamon flavor, personally the cinnamon apple combo is perfect for me.  Bon appetit it’s like a make shift apple pie, except without the crust and calories.

Hair Tips!


Most females have trouble deciding A) what should I do with my hair tonight and B) how am I going to make it stay all night long? Well, I have been struggling with keeping my curls bouncy and put without making them look crunchy and fake. Then on the flip side, I struggled with how to keep my hair straight and sleek. After much testing of products and methods I have finally found a tried and true method to do just that, keep those curls alive and keep my hair straight and sleek.

The first step to flawless curls is to only use a minimal amount of conditioner in your hair after washing it. For shoulder length hair think quarter size and for longer hair think silver dollar size. . This allows your hair to have more of a grip later. After towel drying your hair, add a volumizing mousse. When you think you have added enough, add some more making sure to rub it into your hair. Next, let your hair air dry or opt for a faster approach and use a blow dryer. Right before you curl your hair, spray a volumizing hairspray onto each section of the layers you will be curling. After you feel like your hair has an enormous amount of product sitting in it, begin to curl! After you finish curling each section spray with a TEXTURIZING spray. Yes, you read that correctly. Hairsprays actually weigh down your curls because of the polymers that are in them and texturizing spray gives it that ultra oomph you need to last all night. When your whole head is curled, shake your head around to loosen it up a bit then spray a tad more texturizing spray to set in your new tousled locks. WARNING: do not over do it with the texturizing spray because it can leave a powdery look on your hair; it will fade if you accidentally overload so no worries, but it may leave you with an odd texture on your hair.

For days that you want to go for a straighter head of hair make sure to add conditioner after you shampoo, especially on the ends. While hair is still damp use a frizz control serum to prevent any baby hairs from creeping up. Then when hair dries spritz some heat control spray for some extra care. Before straightening your hair part it the way you want. Then when all parted and ready section of your head of hair so that you are able to straighten out every last wave, bump, or curl. By sectioning off your hair into different layers your hair is easier to straighten and becomes sleeker. As you straighten your hair make sure to press the panels hard enough in order to actually get a straight and flat set of hair. As you do this just make sure you aren’t letting it sit too long on your hair because we do not need someone burning off there beautiful hair. After completing your hair spritz with a tiny bit of light hold hairspray and viola shiny, sleek, straight hair!

Now, when your hair sees the curler or straightener they will be running for the hills because they are no match for your new dazzling skills. Perfection has never been easier!

(Inspiration for the wonderful curling tips courtesy of:



Hello current human!  Just to get the ball rolling let me tell you a little something about me.  My name is Corinne, but everyone calls me Rin or Coco.  I’m a sarcastic 19 year old from New York who loves to laugh and be around people all the time.  Sushi, peanut butter, and chocolate are some of my favorite things along with Netflix (obviously), coffee, movies, and my dog.  I attend THE Ohio State University, aka the best school in this whole world, and I am studying Journalism with a minor in Fashion Retail Studies.  My goal is to one day work for a magazine and live in an amazing city.  I’ve always wanted to write a blog and look at me now it’s finally in the works!  My blog is meant to connect with new people while hopefully sharing some new ideas and get my voice heard!  I’ll be posting about food, beauty, exercise, and fashion.  Everything on here will be what’s currently on my mind so hopefully my brain is entertaining for all of you.  WARNING: expect randomness.