3 Easy Breakfasts


Banana Toast:

1 Slice of whole wheat bread

1 Banana

1-2 Tbsp. of peanut butter


Chia Seeds

First take your bread and put it in the toaster.  As your bread is toasting cut your banana into small rounds.  When the bread is finished toasting spread peanut butter on your bread and place banana rounds on top.  To finish it off dust cinnamon on top and sprinkle some chia seeds.  Yum!

Egg Wrap:

1 Whole Wheat Tortilla (I used chia seed whole wheat)

2 Egg Whites

Handful of Spinach

Diced Peppers

about 1/2 an avocado

Take your tortilla and place it in the microwave for about 30 seconds until it’s soft and warm.  Then take your avocado and spread desired amount onto your tortilla.  Once your tortilla is set up mix together diced peppers, spinach, and egg whites in a bowl.  Once mixed together put it in your pan and cook em up!  Once your eggs are done you can either add more spinach into your tortilla or simply just add the eggs.  Bam, easy breakfast wrap.

Oatmeal (my favorite):

1/3c. oats

1c. water


1Tbsp. peanut butter

1 Banana/handful of blueberries (even both!)

Mixed nuts

Place your oats and water in the microwave for about 2 minutes or until oats are cooked.  When the oats are done cooking take a spoon of peanut butter and mix it into the oats along with about a teaspoon of cinnamon.  Cut up your banana into small rounds and place around the perimeter of your bowl.  If adding blueberries mix them in with the peanut butter and cinnamon that way they get all warm as if they’re in a pie!    Sprinkle a few mixed nuts into the center of your bowl and dust a little more cinnamon on top of your oatmeal.  If desired you can also add some honey/agave to enhance the sweetness of the cinnamon and peanut butter!

Pair any of these delicious breakfasts with a nice hot cup of green tea with lemon!

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