5 Occurrences of Every College Kids Winter Break


The stress of finals are finally over which means it’s time for a great break filled with family, hometown faves, friends, food, and sleep.  These are 5 things that are 99% sure to be in every college kids winter break plans.

Sleeeeeeep.  Every college kid during the normal class week has to have an alarm set at least 5 days a week in order to be up & ready for class/work.  On top of that you also stay up for ages with either homework or going out with friends.  When you finally are home for a month you basically are in full on sloth mode.


Eat.  Besides binge eating every single food substance over the different holidays during break you also have REAL actual meals that are made for you besides eating ramen.  It’s a whole new take on “Freshmen 15”.kate hudson eating

25 Days of Christmas.  No matter how old you are watching 25 Days of Christmas on ABC family is one of the best things ever right next to 13 Nights of Halloween.elf gif

Ugly Christmas Sweater Party.  Even if you don’t want to admit it one of the most exciting things about going back home is parties with old friends especially when they’re ugly Christmas sweater themed.ugly christmas sweater

Restock.  When it’s time to go back to school it’s time to bat those eyes and be extra kind to mom and dad so they’ll buy you all your food and randomness so that you’re set up for the new semester.  Thanks parentals! food

The month long break will surely be an amazing rest, but we all know after week 2 week are about ready to head back to school and get back in our groove.  But sleep and food are always nice so just enjoy and good luck for next semester.

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