Tag Archives: healthy

Healthy Peanut Butter Cookies



1 1/4 cup canned chickpeas (rinsed and patted dry)

2 tsp vanilla extract

1/2 c + 2 tbsp of natural nut butter of choice

1/4 c honey, or agave, or maple syrup

1 tsp baking powder

pinch of salt (if nut butter doesn’t have it)

1/2 c semi sweet chocolate chips/cacao nibs


First, preheat your oven to 350 degrees.  Combine all ingredients into a food processor until smooth EXCEPT for the chocolate chips.  Make sure your scrape down the sides in order to get every possible ingredient and process again until well combined.

Next, stir the chocolate chips into the batter if it’s not working you can pulse once or twice to combine it.  This mixture will be sticky and thick!

Using wet hands form into small balls and press slightly on top of the ball.  Bake for about 10 minutes.  These will be soft and not set like a normal cookies would.  When ready to store, place them in an airtight container in either the fridge or at room temperature for about a week!

P.S. these are my favorite.


Influenced by http://www.texanerin.com

3 Healthy & Easy Snacks


Apple Nachos:

1 Apple

1-2 Tbsp. nut butter of choice

Nuts (optional)

Dried Fruit (optional)

Chocolate (optional)

Take your favorite kind of apple and use an apple cutter to slice it up.  After, you have your slices continue to cut those slices in half, so that they are thinner.  When they’re all cut place line them on a plate so that they’re all flat.  Next, take 1-2 tbsp. of your favorite nut butter and warm it up for 15-30 seconds.  When the nut butter is melted drizzle on top of the apple slices so that all of them have some buttaaa.  Next, you can sprinkle some nuts on it, I crushed up some almonds.  Then you can either add some dried fruit such as, raisins or cranberries, some dark chocolate, make sure it’s 70% cocoa or higher because that means it has less added sugar!  Viola, delicious and nutritious.

Banana Boat:

1 Banana

1-2 Tbsp. Peanut Butter

Raisins (or dried fruit of choice)

Almonds (or nut of choice)

Take a banana and after its peeled slice it right down the middle so that you have 2 halves and a flat surface to spread the peanut butter.  After, slicing take your peanut butter and lather up your halves of banana with it.  When your banana halves have a layer of the peanut butter on them take your raisins and almonds and place them every other so it’s raisin, almond, raisin, almond and so on.  BOOM, banana boat.

Cinnamon Apples:

1 Apple

1 tsp. of cinnamon

drizzle of agave/honey (optional)

First, take your apple and use an apple cutter to cut up the apple.  After you have those slices continue to cut them into cubes, or thinner slices if you prefer slices.  When the apple is cut how you prefer toss it around with the cinnamon until all the cubes/slices are coated.  Place your bowl in the microwave and heat up for 30 seconds to a minute, or however soft you want your apple to be.  When it’s warmed to your liking this is when you can drizzle some agave/honey on top to enhance the cinnamon flavor, personally the cinnamon apple combo is perfect for me.  Bon appetit it’s like a make shift apple pie, except without the crust and calories.